Call for participation to the 2021 Summer School on AI Technologies for Trust, Interoperability and Autonomy in Industry 4.0

We invite PhD students and other researchers from academia or industry to apply to the second summer school on AI Technologies for Trust, Interoperability and Autonomy in Industry 4.0 (short ai4industry), in a collaboration between French, German and Swiss institutions. The dates for the 2021 edition of ai4industry are July 26th-30th, 2021.

The ai4industry summer school targets concrete industry use cases: half of the summer school is dedicated to practical work (through a hackathon) while the other half is meant to introduce the theoretical foundations underlying the hackathon’s framework.

Statement related to Covid-19. The dates of the summer school are July 26th to 30th, at a time travel restrictions related to Covid-19 may not be completely lifted. The summer school will therefore be organized in a distributed fashion: participants may join one of the three physical host locations in St-Étienne (France), Waischenfeld (Germany) and St-Gallen (Switzerland), while a shared virtual location will be made available to everyone. All (physical and virtual) locations will be connected via a video stream. This innovative organization scheme ensures all participants have the chance to experience the summer school in the best possible condition for them. In addition, the practical exercises and hackathon programmed during the summer school will take advantage of this distributed organization by accessing industrial assets running at the three host locations. Students will thus participate in the deployment of a truly decentralized network of connected Industry 4.0 systems.


The summer school will address various aspects of AI in Industry 4.0 (or Industry of the future) with a particular focus on:

  • the Web of Things
  • Knowledge Graphs
  • Multi-Agent Systems
  • Responsible AI

Each of these topics will be covered in lectures and the hackathon. Several pieces of software have been integrated for the purpose of the hackathon, providing tools and implementations of theoretical principles in these four domains.

Expected candidates and benefits

We welcome applications from PhD students and early stage researchers that have already some knowledge in at least one of the topics above, but want to broaden their perspective and have a chance to apply their skills on concrete problems. We also welcome researchers who want to get in touch with a new research community and industry partners who want to get updated on recent advances in AI. The benefit for the participants is that they can:

  • learn or improve knowledge in several areas of Artificial Intelligence
  • get in touch with high profile researchers and professors
  • build a network with other talented young researchers
  • hack together plausible solutions to stimulating concrete industrial problems
  • have the opportunity to further develop your approach in collaboration with industry partners

How to apply

To apply, submit a résumé and a cover letter using the form at Please submit them in a single file. We will limit the number of participants on site to 40 people. Online participation is however unlimited, as long as candidates meet the criteria above.

Registration fees are 150€ including meals, coffee breaks, lunches and accommodation, for those participating on site. Thanks to our sponsorships, some fees may be waived. If you need a fee waiver, please send us a motivation letter, and we will consider your request in the limit of our budget.


  • Opening of application for participation: 06 April 2021
  • Notification of acceptance: within 2 weeks
  • End of application: 06 June 2021 13 June 2021
  • Deadline for registration: 20 June 2021 27 June 2021
  • Summer school: 26-30 July 2021

Contact and organising institutions

Main contact: 

Organising institutions:

  • Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany)
  • Mines Saint-Étienne (France)
  • Technische Universität München (Germany)
  • Universität St. Gallen (Switzerland)
  • Université Jean Monnet Saint-Étienne (France)
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