We invite PhD students, academics, and researcher staff from academia and industry to apply to the 3rd Summer School on AI Technologies for Trust, Interoperability, Autonomy and Resilience in Industry 4.0 (henceforth AI4Industry).
The summer school aims to teach the state of the art of the use of AI technologies and models to tackle the challenges of data revolution and to increase automation of cognitive tasks to develop a trustful and resilient Industry 4.0 (or Industry of the Future). The summer school is organized around concrete industry problems structured as use cases. These use cases aim to stimulate the discussion at the academic institutions toward addressing real-world problems and to showcase innovative solutions to industrial partners.
During the summer school, participants attend lectures of AI technologies and carry out practical exercises dedicated to applying these technologies to solve concrete industry problems. The summer school addresses various aspects of AI in Industry with a particular emphasis on
- Web of Things
- Knowledge Graphs
- Multi-Agent Systems
- Responsible AI
Half of the summer school is dedicated to practical work (through a hackathon) while the other half is meant to introduce the theoretical foundations underlying the hackathon’s framework. The full program include keynote speakers and lectures can be found at https://ai4industry2023.sciencesconf.org/.
After the summer school, participants are encouraged to continue their engagement in solving these problems with the support of the organizers and submitting their work to conferences.
Target Audience and Eligibility
We welcome applications from PhD students, academics, and researchers from academia and industry that have already some knowledge in at least one of the topics above, who want to broaden their perspective and wants have a chance to apply their skills on concrete problems. We also welcome researchers who want to get in touch with a new research community and industry partners who want to get updated on recent advances in AI.
How to apply
To apply, submit a cover letter and a résumé (in a single file) at https://portail.emse.fr/limesurvey2021/index.php/967397?lang=en.
We limit the number of participants on site in Saint-Étienne to 30 people and on site in São Paulo to 28 people. Online participation is unlimited, as long as applicants meet the eligibility criteria (see Target Audience and Eligibility section).
To broaden the reach of the Summer School, we accept the participation on site (Saint-Étienne, France or São Paulo, Brazil) or Online.
Participation Fee
There is NO FEE for Online participation or those participating on site in São Paulo (Brazil). For those participating on site in Saint-Étienne (France), the participation fee is 150€. The fee covers:
- Accommodation
- Lunch, coffee breaks and snacks
- Summer school materials, including diploma
Thanks to our sponsors, some partial and full financial support will be awarded. If you need a partial (i.e., registration fee waiver) or full (i.e., travel + registration fee waiver) financial support, please send us a motivation letter together with your application, and we will consider your request in the limit of our budget.
- Application on a rolling basis: until June 15, 2023
- Notification of acceptance: 2 weeks after submission
- Registration: June 30, 2023
- Summer School: July 24-28, 2023
Organizing Institutions
- Mines Saint-Étienne (France)
- Technische Universität Berlin (Germany)
- Universidade de São Paulo (Brazil)
- Universität St. Gallen (Switzerland)
- Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti (Romania)
- T.I.M.E. Association (https://timeassociation.org/)
- ANR (https://anr.fr/)
Past Editions
Further information about past editions of the AI4Industry Summer School can be found at https://ai4industry.wp.imt.fr.
Main contact: contact-ai4industry@listes.emse.fr