We have just completed the program of the 2021 edition of ai4industry. We are extremely happy to have four keynote speakers this year:
- Dominique Guinard, who helped settle the Web of Things as a research field as he worked at ETH Zürich (Switzerland). He then co-founded EVRYTHNG, a company providing one of the leading professional Cloud platforms for the Internet of Things.
- Armin Haller, who is an associate professor at the Australian National University. He chaired the working group that standardized the Semantic Sensor Network ontology, a major semantic model for exposing sensor and actuator data on the Web.
- Birgit Vogel-Heuser, who is professor at TU Munich (Germany). She is member of the advisory board of VDI/VDE, the German association of engineers, and chair of the association’s working group on agent-based systems. She has also contributed to IEEE publications on industrial agents.
- Sonja Zillner, who works for Siemens AG (Germany) on the topic of trustworthy AI in the industry. Through the Big Data Value Association, she is also coordinating advisory work on AI on behalf of the European Commission.
We will also have three instructors:
- Victor Charpenay is associate professor at Mines Saint-Étienne (France). He has been contributing to the standardization of the Web of Things Thing Description model, to expose heterogeneous devices on the Web.
- Tobias Käfer is substitute professor at KIT, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technologies (Germany). He is currently leading the European COST action on Distributed Knowledge Graphs.
- Jomi Fred Hübner is professor at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). He is the main developer of Jason, a widely used language and interpreter for Agent-Oriented Programming. Jomi Fred Hübner is also one of the promoters of Multi-Agent-Oriented Programming and the JaCaMo platform, integrating Jason with other frameworks for developing all aspects of multi-agent systems in a unified manner.
You can find the full program here: https://ai4industry2021.sciencesconf.org/program.
How to apply
It’s not too late to apply! We’ve extended the deadline by one week to give everyone enough time to look at the program.
Submit a résumé and a cover letter using the form at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ai4industry2021. Please submit them in a single file. We will limit the number of participants on site to 40 people. Online participation is however unlimited, as long as candidates meet the criteria above.
Registration fees are 150€ including meals, coffee breaks, lunches and accommodation, for those participating on site. Thanks to our sponsorships, some fees may be waived. If you need a fee waiver, please send us a motivation letter, and we will consider your request in the limit of our budget.
you can find the original call for participation here: https://ai4industry2021.sciencesconf.org/resource/page/id/1.
- Opening of application for participation: 06 April 2021
- Notification of acceptance: within 2 weeks
- End of application:
06 June 202113 June 2021 - Deadline for registration:
20 June 202127 June 2021 - Summer school: 26-30 July 2021