Registration for the ai4industry summer school is now open:
Online participation is free. Participation on site is also possible, including accommodation and lunch (registration fee: 150€).
The platform will remain open until Monday, July 12th, noon (12pm CEST).
Some more information:
- Connection details for online participation will be sent a few days before the event.
- The location in Saint-Étienne is Espace Fauriel. Accommodation will be at a nearby student dorm. It’s all easily accessible by public transport.
- The location in Waischenfeld is Fraunhofer Forschungscampus. The campus includes a restaurant and bedrooms. Waischenfeld being a rather small town, a bus will be organized to travel from Nuremberg to Waischenfeld (more info to come after registration).
- The location in St. Gallen is the university campus. There’s currently no external participant in St. Gallen but if needs be, hotel rooms can be booked.
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