The 2021 edition of the summer school is over. All presentations slides prepared by our keynote speakers and lecturers can be downloaded from the program. Videos will be published soon. Code for the hackathon, along with exercises is hosted on Gitlab.
We’ve had 62 participants from 7 countries. Most of the participants attended online. Many online participants appreciated the possibility of joining remotely. We hope to increase on-site participation next year, though; thanks to our sponsors (DFH-UFA and the German-French Academy for the Industry of the Future), we could fund the stay of the majority of participants.

16 participants filled out our feedback questionnaire. Keynotes were particularly well received. Participants had more prior knowledge on Knowledge Graphs than on the Web of Things and Multi-Agent Systems, but the Knowledge Graphs lecture was highly appreciated.
We’ve got several suggestions for next year. Keynotes will be given after the lectures so that attendees have sufficient background on advanced keynote topics. In addition, because of the significant leap forward between the Knowledge Graphs lecture and the Multi-Agent Systems lecture, we will switch the two and introduce agent programming first, so that participants access the hackathon’s knowledge graph using an agent programming environment.
To finish, the summer school met expectations for 87% of the respondents and 80% would recommend it.